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Men's League Season Pass

MEN’S LEAGUE SEASON PASS       $750 (GST included)

  • Includes green fees and shared cart for entire season of Men’s League plus time from course opening to course closing (before and after Men’s League start and end)

  • Men’s league rate $43 for other tee-times on weekdays

  • Special rate of $55 after 2:00 pm on Saturdays, Sundays & holidays

  • Golf fees for wind-up tournament included

1.  It is optional but available only to men's league members

2. If you buy an annual pass you still have to pay the $75 league membership fee.

3. There are about 25 Thursdays during the 2023 golf season.  If a member golfed all of them it would cost $1075 for green fees saving $325

4. If a member golfed one additional weekday during the season (25) at about $20 per round saving ($43 vs $60 low season and $67 high season) saving $500

5. if a member golfed two weekend days per month (12x2=24) at about $15 per round saving ($55 vs $67 low season and $74 high season) saving $360

6. green fee for year-end men's league tournament included saving $50

7. we hope to have passes available by early April.

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